Wednesday, January 29, 2020

From Nomads to Industrial Civilization

Humans lived as nomads (hunter-gatherers) for almost 99% of our history. We started building houses just about 10,000 years ago. So what compelled our wild ancestors to leave their hunting and nomadic lifestyle and start living as communities? Some archeologists believe it was the ice age. After the ice age, the land became suitable for growing crops; humans discovered agriculture and decided to settle down. Some say it was changed in human psychology that made them live in communities and form civilizations. Another theory suggests that due to environmental and demographic pressures, sedentariness became more attractive for hunter-gatherers. 

Neolithic Revolution: 

The real answer lies in Neolithic revolution. To tame their wild nature, Neolithic people started finding solace in spirituality. Spirituality and religion were a huge part of their lives. Hunting consumed most of their time, hence to focus on culture and religion they had to have a steady supply of food and a place to live. 

Early Human Civilization: 

This is what laid the foundation of early human civilization. Houses had a deeper meaning for our Neolithic ancestors. A house was so much more than just a place to live. Whole families lived together in one house to create a strong spiritual bond. They even buried their dead under their house, as they felt connected to them. Their houses were their sanctuaries who built them close in their lives and even after death. 

Modern Civilization and Housing: 

Modern human civilization only started about 6000 years ago and industrialization started just around the 1800s. As human civilization evolved so did the housing. As our lifestyles became more sedentary, our houses became more comfortable. 

Modern Housing:

Contractors and builders all over the world are trying to come up with easy, sustainable and affordable housing solutions that can help humans survive climate change in the long run. Eco-friendly materials are being preferred, green housing is becoming more and more popular. 

Housing Crisis in U.S. 

No matter where you live, a house is a special place, a place that makes us feel belonged, a place that keeps us anchored. It is almost unimaginable to live without a house, but there are countless homeless people on the streets. The housing crisis in the whole country is worse than ever, rents are increasing and so are the land prices. Especially in booming areas like California and Seattle housing crisis has been the worst. The state of California has seen its fair share of the housing crisis but with a modern legislature passed on ADUs, the housing crisis has been averted to some extent. Sunnyvale is the city in CA that offers extremely affordable housing to middle-income people. Builders in Sunnyvale are coming up with new and modern techniques to make houses more sustainable and eco-friendly yet affordable. If you are looking to buy your own house for a while and are unable to because of high real estate rates, Breakthrough Builders in Sunnyvale are the company for you. They are highly skilled and offer the best housing solutions according to your needs.

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